"Navigating Life's Storms: How Events Shape Our Mental Health"

Gentle Mental Blog offers a holistic understanding of how events in our lives can impact our mental well-being.

Do you feel something is missing with your current mental health treatment? Gentle Mental Blog offers a gentle, holistic and traditional approach to mental health

Welcome To Gentle Mental


a man talking to his kids
Talking to Children About Mass Shootings: Tips for Families and Caregivers
Just last week, a mother and disc jockey lost their lives when two individuals opened...
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Happy Valentine's Day
Mental Health Tips for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that splits people into two distinct camps: those...
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teen student looking sad at school
Spotting Warning Signs of Suicide in Students
According to recent statistics, suicide is the second highest cause of death among children aged...
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IMPORTANT: Gentle Mental is not a diagnostic tool and should not replace your health care provider’s recommendation. The information from this provider or website does not replace advice from your health care provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your mental health diagnoses, treatment, and other concerns. Please note that your local health organization guidelines may differ if you live outside the U.S.

Supplements are optional and only recommended (not prescribed). None of the supplements listed on the blogs are FDA approved to treat, cure, or diagnose any medical/mental health condition.

The information on this site, including all media produced for this site, such as video, audio, and written, is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, information, video, and audio contained on/or available through this website is for general information purposes only. No responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of the information contained on or available through this website, and such information is subject to change without notice. You should confirm any information found here with a qualified, medical professional. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking treatment based on anything you have read on this blog.
No liability of any kind is assumed for anything found on or through this website.



About Us

What is Gentle Mental Blog about?

At Gentle Mental Blog, we discuss current events and how it affects our mental well-being. We provide resources on how to steer our emotional ship through those challenging times to reach calmer waters again. 

This is a ‘gentle place’ where we discuss and compare mental health treatments, mental illness research, and alternative/functional medicine. 

This is a space where individuals from diverse backgrounds and unique life experiences can come together to connect. Our main area of interest centers on exploring the impact of cultural variations on mental health and understanding how these stigmas can influence our community. 

Occasionally, we also inject some variety by sharing unrelated life experiences, adding a bit of spice and humor to the mix, just to keep things interesting! 


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Psych NP

Owner of Gentle Mental

About the Writer

Meek, the Psych NP, is a certified psychiatric nurse practitioner and the owner of a thriving private practice. The inspiration for Gentle Mental stems from her extensive experience as both a nurse practitioner and a mental health RN, gained from caring for countless patients over the past seven years within the mental health realm.

Gentle Mental serves as a nurturing space where individuals can find practical advice and insights related to mental health concerns. Here, you’ll discover genuine recommendations, up-to-date medical information, helpful comparisons, top product suggestions, and actionable advice to address your mental health questions and needs.

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