Image with the letters A-D-H-D

3 Coping Tips to Live Your Best Life with ADHD

Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that primarily affects an individual’s behavior.

The main symptoms that people living with ADHD experience are impulsivity, hyperactivity and difficulty paying attention. And although these signs begin to show up in childhood, most people aren’t diagnosed correctly until they reach adulthood.

If you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, it might feel like you just got a death sentence. However, you shouldn’t be too worried. It’s possible to live your best life with ADHD. You’ll just have to adjust your lifestyle and be more deliberate with the choices you make. Below, I’ll share 7 coping strategies for ADHD. Let’s dig in:

Determine What Works For you

There are dozens of books, blogs and videos that offer intricate and specific ways to cope with ADHD. While I have nothing against the advice offered on these platforms, it’s important to acknowledge that these techniques don’t work for everyone.

This is particularly so when the recommended tips impact the very functional skills that ADHD disrupts. Instead, you should look for coping strategies that work best for you.

For instance, most people like storing their keys on top of the console table near the door. But for persons living with ADHD, they’re likely to forget to put their keys in this spot.

So instead of keeping your keys there, take note of the most likely spots that you leave your keys. Once you’ve narrowed down these areas, designate them as your keys’ storage units. This could be the kitchen counter, nightstand or even the TV stand.

Break Down Tasks

A To-Do list for easier task management

Individuals living with ADHD struggle to start large-scale projects or tasks that involve multiple steps. They might not give such tasks the attention they deserve or struggle to maintain motivation needed to see them through.

If you’re looking to embark on such a task, consider breaking it down into small manageable steps. Remember that you don’t have to finish the entire task all at once. Getting started is enough.

For instance, let’s say you have a pile of clothes that needs to be washed. Instead of doing all the laundry in one go, break it down into sorting, gathering essential supplies, loading the washer and finally washing. Once you’ve sorted the clothes, take a break before proceeding to the next step. And even then, you can hit pause anytime you feel overwhelmed and continue on the following day.

Practice Self-Compassion

If you’re living with ADHD, there’s a good chance that you struggle to show yourself compassion. You might beat yourself up for forgetting a crucial event or getting something wrong.

However, you shouldn’t be too harsh on yourself. It’s completely normal to fall short in some areas. As such, learn to cut yourself some slack, especially if you’re giving your best. Turn your mistakes into learning opportunities and be self-compassionate. “Therefore, as Gods Chosen People, holy and Dearly Loved, Clothe Yourselves with Compassion, Kindness, Humility, Gentleness and Patience.” Coloassians 3:12


Supplements are also a very great way to improve your focus and concentration. A lot of times, ADHD symptoms are a result of a deficiency or imbalance in your minerals/vitamins. A great book for natural ways to treat ADHD is Finally Focused, written by psychiatrist Dr. James Greeblatt. I would implore you to check out this amazing book, even if you’re on prescription medicaitons.

Consulting with your mental health provider on your need for further evaluation of your symptoms is very important for the treatment of your ADHD symptoms. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you may benefit from supplements, behavioral changes, as well as medication to treat your ADHD symptoms.

Be sure to talk to your mental health provider before starting any supplements if you’re currently on medications as some supplements may interact with medication.

To explore great, high quality, 3rd party tested supplements, check out Pure Encapsulations website, create an account, and use this unique code 466760 for a 10% off discount on their supplements.


Just because you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD doesn’t mean that your life is doomed. You can still lead a healthy and happy life by practicing self-compassion, learning to break down tasks and establishing what works for you.

1 thought on “3 Coping Tips to Live Your Best Life with ADHD”

  1. Thanks for this. I recently realized that I may have some form of ADD/ADHD thanks to my 5 year old son and his symptoms. This was super helpful at giving me a starting point.

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