multiracial child hugging their mom

Is My Child Being Bullied? 4 Telltale Signs To Watch For

Not all children who get bullied report the matter to their parents, caregivers or teachers. In fact, one study showed that a staggering 54% of students who were victims of bullying didn’t bother to disclose the incident to an adult.

Some kids keep the issue under wraps because they feel humiliated that it’s happening. Others are scared that their parents will be frustrated, angry or too reactive when they find out. Similarly, there’s a handful of them who feel like they’re at fault for being on the receiving end.

Regardless of the reason, parents should be vigilant so they can spot signs of bullying as soon as it starts happening. This will ensure that the issue doesn’t get out of hand and end up causing irreparable damage to the victim. On that note, here are 7 red flags of bullying to watch out for.

Hesitant to Attend School

Have you noticed your child being too sluggish in the morning? Are they sleeping in and getting late for school? If you’ve noticed such signs, it’s an indication that something is wrong.

With young kids, you should look out for recurring excuses like feeling unwell, missing the bus or getting regular calls from the school nurse to pick them up early. And when it comes to preteens and teens, be sure to check in with their teachers frequently. That’s because they have a higher tendency of skipping school entirely.

Changes in Friendships

Another thing that might indicate bullying is when a child decides to break up or change their circle of friends. At the same time, if your child is spending less time or being reluctant to hang out with their usual friends, this could signal bullying.

If you want to be in the loop when it comes to your child’s social relations, consider staying in touch with other parents in their group of friends. This way, it will be easy to notice when your child is being left out. For instance, when they’re not invited to birthday parties and other events. If you do notice this, look for a subtle and reasonable way to ask your child about the issue.

Interrupted Sleep Patterns

Is your child sleeping later than usual? Are they waking up in the middle of the night? Or, do they toss and turn on their beds too many times? If they are, it’s likely being caused by feelings of anxiety. If they’re getting bullied, then there’s a high chance that they’re too anxious to sleep because they’re worried about what will happen the following day.

Ideally, your child should sleep for anywhere between 9 and 12 hours (depending on the age). If they’re waking up too troubled or sleep-deprived, you should find out the cause.

Increased Use or Complete Withdrawal From Devices

teenager using their phone at night

If your child is getting bullied online, they respond in one of two ways. One, they’ll stop using their electronic gadgets completely. Or, two, they’ll become obsessed with them.

If they respond by getting too attached, they’ll become extremely angry or frustrated when you try to limit their use or take the device away. And if they respond by withdrawing, you’ll find it more difficult to reach them when they’re at school or social gatherings outside of home.

Unfortunately, the majority of kids are hesitant to report incidents of cyberbullying. This is because they’re too afraid of their devices being taken away completely. To avoid this, encourage your child to share any unpleasant things that happen to them online. Let them know that you won’t take away their devices but rather help them find a solution.


At times, your child gets bullied right under your nose. Your kiddo might hesitate to report the issue because they’re too scared or humiliated.

To avoid this, keep an eye out for signs of bullying. It’s also important to have regular discussions about this topic with your little one. Teach them the different forms of bullying, when to report and how to stand up for themselves when it happens. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)


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