European woman with a bag of fruits and vegetables

3 Foods to Uplift Your Spirits This Winter

We all have moments when we feel very low. But did you know that this sad state can be caused by the season. Sounds a bit peculiar, right? It’s not like you’re a birch tree that seasonally sheds its leaves in autumn.

Still, winter blues affect 10% to 20% of Americans. Just to clarify, winter blues refers to an extended period of feeling sad. This typically happens because of the extreme changes in weather patterns, including shorter days, colder temperatures.

The good news is, you can easily overcome this depressive state by incorporating the right foods into your diet.

The Relationship between Diet and Mood

Most people have a rough idea of the factors that affect one’s mood. These include aspects like fatigue, social events and sleep (or lack thereof). However, only a few people know that diet also plays a part.

So, how does the food you eat impact your mood? Well, this 2021 study published in PubMed sheds more light on this. The researchers discovered that individuals whose diets included a lot of soda, artificial juice and other low-quality food had a 39% higher likelihood of experiencing major depressive episodes compared to those who followed a healthier diet.

With the darker days and ice-cold temperatures of winter, many resort to comforting foods in a bid to cope. Unfortunately, these food items contain high amounts of sugar, salt and fat. So when you consume them, they provide an instant relief and energy boost. However, these effects are short-lived and as soon as they wear off, your mood plummets.

Furthermore, the more “junk” or unhealthy snacks you consume, the less space you have for the much healthier stuff. This makes it challenging to nourish your body with essential nutrients it needs to feel better during this season. These nutrients include B vitamins, magnesium and folate.

Thankfully, you can change things around by correcting your diet. More specifically, load it up with fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish and nuts. Even the Bible says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Best Foods to Ease the Winter Blues


Pumpkins are one of the best sources of magnesium – a mineral that’s been proven to reduce depressive symptoms and disorders.

In one study, persons diagnosed with depression went through six weeks of magnesium supplementation and another six weeks without. In the end, the patients reported experiencing fewer depressive symptoms when they were taking the supplements.

What I love about pumpkin is that it’s a very versatile ingredient. You can puree it and add to smoothies and sauces. Or, you can sprinkle some pumpkin seeds in a salad.

Dark Chocolate

Chocolate bar

This might be hard to believe but dark chocolate is actually very good for your mental health. It contains the fatty acid – N-acylethanolamines, which trigger euphoric effects and relieves negative feelings like anxiety and irritability.

So the next time you’re feeling depressed, reach for a bar of chocolate or two and you should feel better within a short while.


Another mood-boosting food that you might be surprised to discover is turkey. This meat contains a unique amino acid known as tryptophan. Tryptophan facilitates the production of serotonin – the chemical in the brain that makes you feel calmer, happier and more focussed.


Do you feel a bit depressed and anxious when the winter season kicks in? If you do, adjusting your diet can uplift your spirits. Opt for nutrient-rich foods like nuts, legumes, fruits and veggies. You may also want to incorporate mood-boosting foods like dark chocolate, turkey and pumpkin.


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