A lady receiving medical help online

Best Online Therapy Services for 2024

Did you know that a whopping 70% of adults and young adults don’t receive treatment for their mental illnesses. There are many reasons why people are hesitant to seek help, such as inaccessibility, high costs and misinformation.

Another prime culprit is the fear of being stigmatized. A large proportion of victims are scared that the society might find out and judge them wrongly.

If you find yourself in this catch 22 situation, online therapy services are an excellent alternative. You can get the help you need and still keep the matter private. Here’s a list of five online therapy services to help you get started:

Most Accessible: BetterHelp

As stated in the beginning, one of the reasons why individuals don’t seek psychological help is because they can’t access it. BetterHelp solves this hurdle by making their services readily available.

The organization works with over 30,000 licensed and experienced mental health experts. With such a large workforce, it’s no wonder their services are so easy to access. They’re available in all fifty states in the United States and at least 200 countries.

Best for Couples: Regain

One thing that couples get wrong is assuming that they only need therapy when their relationship is in trouble. Contrary to this, couples should constantly seek counseling regardless of whether the partnership is working or not.

On that note, Regain is among the best online therapy services for couples. It offers relationship therapy exclusively. Plus, it has a flexible signup process. You can register as a couple or individual. Even if you sign up alone, you can invite your partner later on.

Best All-Inclusive: Doctor on Demand Online Therapy

Are you searching for online therapy services that are all-inclusive? If you are, Doctor on Demand is exactly what you need. For starters, they offer single chat video consultations with skilled and accredited psychiatrists. This is helpful if you’re not looking to commit to a long-term plan.

In addition, they offer to order medications on your behalf and ship them to your nearest pharmacy. This eliminates the stress of trying to figure out the recommended prescriptions.

Best for Depression and Anxiety: Brightside 

Were you aware that anxiety and depression are the two most popular psychological illnesses? That’s right. Millions of Americans are diagnosed with these conditions every day. As such, an online therapy service – like Brightside – that focuses on these two is right on point.

I particularly like the intuitive interface of this platform. Simply, answer a set of questions to shed more light on your symptoms. And within a day, you’ll be matched with a suitable therapist or psychiatrist.

Best for Teens: Teen Counseling

Does your child appear to be struggling now that they’ve entered teenagehood? Are they reluctant to visit a mental health expert? If you answered yes to these questions, Teen Counseling Online Therapy is the ultimate solution.

The platform offers counseling in a discreet, safe and affordable setting for teens aged 13 to 19 years. Their network of therapists are specialized in a wide range of areas. So regardless of what your young adult is grappling with, they’ll still get help.


Don’t let stigma stop you from getting the psychological help that you need. With the array of online therapy services available, treatment is just a phone call away. “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.” (Proverbs 11:14)

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