people registering to vote in the US

Election Stressing You Out? Use These Hacks to Cope

All across the globe, people are trying to cope with increasing stress levels due to the worsening economy.

And for many Americans, the upcoming 2024 election is only compounding the distress and anxiety. These individuals worry how the results will impact different aspects of their lives. “Will I lose my job?” “Will I have to move my family?” “What about my rights?

While it’s okay to be a little bit anxious about elections, you should not allow this anxiety to distract your way of life. So here are a few tips to help you cope:

Cut Back on News Consumption

Do you have a tendency of watching news every minute you can spare? If you do, this is likely the cause of your heightened stress levels.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to know what’s happening around the country and the world. But, watching election-related news for prolonged periods can lead to:

  • Experiencing more fearful thoughts related to the potential election outcome
  • Difficulty sleeping and concentrating at work

In light of this, you should strive to achieve a healthy balance when it comes to news consumption. Ditch that 24-hour news cycle. Instead, look for non-news related channels that you can watch too.

Stop Thinking About Worst-Case Scenarios

If thinking about the post-election period elicits intense fear and worry, then you should stop reflecting about these worst-case scenarios altogether.

The truth is, you can’t control what happens after. If the new government plans to make radical changes that will affect your life, worrying about it doesn’t change anything. However, you can control the present moment. So, choose to focus on your current life and quit worrying about post-election. “Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!” (Luke 12:24)

Plan for Election Day

A lady excited to video call her friends

The uncertainty and anxiety you have about the election doesn’t stop on the day you vote. This is because it might take a couple of weeks to process all the results, and announce the winner.

To avoid living in fear during this period, consider planning how you’ll spend this time. You can reconnect with friends or family members virtually, pick up a new hobby, binge-watch your favorite shows, enroll for a virtual course and more. This will take away your focus from the outcome, and subsequently, minimize worry.

Maintain a Regular Routine

As challenging as it might be, it’s crucial that you maintain your regular lifestyle. This particularly applies to self-care habits of sleeping, eating healthily and exercising. When you meet your physiological needs, you’re ensuring that your internal resources are nourished. This, in turn, boosts your mental wellness.

For instance, this study shows that adequate rest minimizes the risk of mental disorders, such as depression and anxiety. So prioritizing rest, and self-care in general, goes a long way in protecting your mental health.

Wrap Up

If you’re feeling incredibly anxious about the forthcoming national elections, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to cope. Start by maintaining your regular routine. Next, make a plan for the post-election period and stop dwelling on the what-ifs. Finally, reduce the amount of news you’re consuming.

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