drug addict with syringe

Everything You Need to Know About Co-occurring Disorders

For years, you have done your best to overcome drug addiction but haven’t succeeded. Somehow, you always fall off the wagon and start using.

If this narrative sounds familiar, there’s a possibility that you could be suffering from co-occurring disorders. In the post below, we’ll explain what this condition is, causes and the best treatment. Read on to learn more:

What Is a Co-Occurring Disorder?

A patient diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder means they’re suffering from a pre-existing psychological illness and substance abuse.

That said, it’s not unusual to encounter platforms with different definitions of this condition. According to some experts, it can also refer to a combination of psychological disorders and other illnesses like an intellectual disability. In the past, such health issues were also described as “dual diagnosis” or “dual disorder.”

Although a mental disorder can occur concurrently with substance abuse, they usually vary in their intensity. Furthermore, the intensity of each can change sporadically.

Causes of Co-Occurring Disorders

By now, you’re probably curious about the factors that lead to the simultaneous diagnosis of two conditions. Unfortunately, there’s no one particular thing that can be blamed. Instead, it’s usually caused by a combination of several factors. Here’s a breakdown of the risk factors that lead to these health issues:

  • Gender – men have a higher risk of suffering from substance abuse than women
  • Genetics – if you have a close relative (either a parent or sibling) who suffers from substance abuse, then you also face a higher risk of being diagnosed with the same
  • Peer pressure – some people start abusing drugs because of peer pressure
  • Past trauma
  • Already living with a mental health disorder

One question that lingers in the minds of many is, does the mental health disorder predate the substance abuse problem, or vice versa? Truthfully speaking, both of these scenarios are possible.

For some victims, the news of being diagnosed with a psychological illness can be so scary and overwhelming that they turn to drugs for solace. “Do not yield to fear, for I am always near. Never turn your gaze from me, for I am your faithful God. I will infuse you with My strength and help you in every situation. I will hold you firmly with my victorious right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Others, however, engage in substance abuse so much that it interferes with their mental well-being. Regardless of the situation, here’s how to go about the treatment.

The Solution: Integrative Treatment

a team of doctors discussing something on a tablet

Sadly, the majority of people suffering from co-occurring disorders rarely receive the correct diagnosis. Most patients are only diagnosed with one of the two medical conditions, leading to inadequate and improper treatment.

Ideally, both of the co-occurring disorders should be treated simultaneously through a technique called integrative treatment. This involves a team of health experts working together to:

  • Manage the psychological illness
  • Help you abstain from substance abuse
  • Assist you in becoming an independent and respectable member of society

Since the patient is treated by a team of health personnel, it comes as no surprise that multiple techniques are used as well. The doctors use a combination of treatment approaches, which include cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication.


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