person sharing feelings emotions during therapy session

Getting Ready for Your First Psychiatry Appointment

The thought of going to see a psychiatrist for the first time can make you feel like a cat on hot bricks. Deciding to see such a professional means you’re ready to confront the unknowns.

Moreover, putting your emotional well-being in the hands of a stranger requires you to be vulnerable. Even if you have someone accompanying you to the appointment, the truth is that they can’t offer a professional opinion.

If you want to feel more at ease, consider doing a little preparation beforehand. So, here are a few tips to help you prepare for your first psychiatry appointment.

Do Due Diligence

As explained earlier, you will be entrusting your mental health to the expert(s). This is why you need to do vigorous research when choosing your psychiatrist.

Usually, the best way to find a skilled and licensed psychiatrist is through referrals. You can seek recommendations from your general physician, family, friends, or colleagues. But if you’d rather keep this matter private, the Internet is also an excellent resource. Look for health institutions or private practices that offer mental health services near you. While you’re at it, read customer reviews to get a feel of the quality of their services.

Determine Your Medical History

One of the things that the psychiatrist is likely to ask you is regarding your medical background. As such, it’s good to gather all the necessary information in advance. Familiarize yourself and be ready to share any past diagnosis, recent symptoms, and a summary of previous medications. And when it comes to medications, ensure you know the dosages, duration, and side effects you may have experienced.

Consider a Shared-Decision Treatment Approach

Are you feeling incredibly anxious about potential diagnosis and subsequent treatment? If so, resorting to this approach will offer you some peace of mind.

Simply put, this technique incorporates input from both the mental health expert and the patient. It involves choosing medications or a particular course of treatment based on scientific evidence and the individual’s preferences.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that a psychiatrist’s wealth of medical knowledge doesn’t count. Quite the contrary. It’s this medical background that will enable them to offer an array of treatment options. However, only you know your life experiences, preferences, goals, and values. So your opinion matters just as much.

Don’t Shy Away From Asking Questions

It’s normal to feel nervous during your first appointment. But don’t let this fear keep you from getting answers. Besides, asking questions can relieve part of the stress and anxiety as you will learn more about your mental health status. Here are a few examples to get you started:

  • How long does this medication take to work?
  • What are the side effects?
  • Does it cause dependency?
  • Are there alternative treatment options?
  • What would happen if I missed a dose?

Don’t Have Misguided Expectations

There are situations where a psychiatrist can immediately identify the condition you’re suffering from. But in most cases, it might take a couple of visits. This gives the mental health expert ample time to assess you and rule out different conditions.

It will also take several appointments to assess the impact of a specific treatment. This goes to show that you shouldn’t expect to be healed overnight. So, exercise patience and focus on the steps you’re taking toward your recovery. The path to complete mental wellness is a marathon, not a sprint. “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)


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