Dietary supplements

Inositol for Anxiety: Does It Really Work?

Did you know that a whopping 77% of Americans take dietary supplements? That’s right. The use of natural supplements to treat different illnesses has skyrocketed, and understandably so. They make up for nutritional deficiencies and support your immune system.

Recent studies also show that supplements are great for your mental wellness. To prove this, I’ll be looking at one example: inositol. Here’s everything you need to know about inositol supplementation for anxiety.

What Is Inositol Supplement?

Starting with the basics: inositol is a type of sugar that occurs naturally in our bodies. It plays a part in regulating the body’s insulin reaction and a couple of other hormones linked to cognitive functioning and mood.

Initially, this compound was referred to as vitamin B8. But a closer examination of its composition revealed that it’s not an actual vitamin. Nonetheless, it’s been proven to be effective in treating multiple conditions, including mood disorders.

Cantaloupe (rich in Inositol)

The inositol compound can be found in citrus fruits, cantaloupe and most fiber-rich ingredients like brown rice, sesame and beans. It’s also sold widely as a natural supplement with the majority of manufacturers combining its two forms: d-chiro-inositol and myo-inositol.

Inositol for Anxiety

If you’re wondering whether inositol can be used to manage anxiety disorders, the answer is a resounding yes.

In one study, 18 grams of this supplement was administered to panic disorder patients, every day for an entire month. The results showed a considerable reduction in the number of panic attacks experienced weekly.

In fact, it was found to be more effective than anxiety medication- which usually comes with unpleasant side effects. A similar survey also showed a positive outcome of inositol given to patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Sure, the amount of research done to prove Inositol’s potential benefits on mental wellness is limited. But the few studies conducted so far, show massive advantages. I personally use it 4-6 times a week, at night before bed, and it helps to keep me calm and ease me into good sleep. Inositol also has great benefits for women’s reproductive system as well as glucose regulation. The brand I recommend is Pure Encapsulation Inositol Powder. It is a third-party tested and highly effective supplement brand. If you’re considering using this supplement to manage your anxiety, I’d recommend consulting your doctor or therapist first. If they give you the green light, then you’re good to go. Here’s a link where you can get 10% off using code 466760 on all Pure Encapsulation supplements. 

Alternative Ways to Manage Anxiety

Identify your triggers

Here’s the deal: you can’t manage a condition if you don’t know what causes it to begin with. This is particularly true for anxiety-related disorders. And for most victims, there’s one or more things that trigger those anxious feelings. So the first step should be identifying this set of factors.

Examples include:

  • Social gatherings
  • Financial issues
  • Caffeine
  • Work
  • Past trauma
  • Side effects of medications

Once you’ve identified them, you can work with your healthcare provider to find suitable coping techniques.

Avoid giving into anxious thoughts

If you suffer from anxiety, there’s a high chance that you struggle with negative thinking. So one way to manage is to challenge such thoughts, instead of simply giving in.

Let’s say that you always consider the worst-case scenario. Now, instead of thinking in that pattern, ask yourself, “is there any positive result that can stem from this situation?” “Are my fears based on the past or the reality of the situation at hand?

Reflecting on these answers encourages you to think positively, minimizing the likelihood of getting another anxiety episode.

Stay active

One of the best non-medical remedies for staving off anxiety is to exercise. Exercising diverts your attention from the anxiety triggers, forcing you to concentrate on the task you’re doing. To add to this, it reduces muscle tension- which can sometimes contribute to feelings of anxiety.

It doesn’t even have to be a high-impact workout. An activity as simple as riding your bike around the block or taking a nature walk can do wonders in anxiety management.

Wrap Up

Inositol is an effective supplement for managing anxiety. However, it should not be used as a replacement for other medications or coping techniques. If you’ve been taking certain prescription drugs or using other methods to manage your anxiety, don’t ditch them without consulting your doctor.

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