Happy Valentine's Day

Mental Health Tips for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that splits people into two distinct camps: those who love it and those who hate it. Rarely will you find an individual who has middle-of-the-ground emotions regarding this day.

For those who treasure it, there’s tons of pressure to make it EPIC. This pressure stems not just from life partners but also from family, friends, and society at large. Regardless of how you feel about it, it’s crucial to prioritize your mental health. Follow these hacks to ensure you’re caring for your psychological well-being on Valentine’s Day.

For Those in Relationships


Even if you’ve been with your partner for several years, you can’t know their thoughts on the holiday. As such, having a sit-down to discuss your expectations is good. Find out what they’d like to do or receive regarding gifts. Similarly, communicate your wish list and conclude how to spend the day.

Plan Beforehand

Whether you choose to buy gifts or take your loved one somewhere, ensure you plan well in advance. Don’t risk shopping for gifts or booking venues at the eleventh hour. If you do, you might miss out and ruin the entire day for your partner.

So, if you plan to buy flowers, place an order ahead of time. Similarly, if you’ll take your better half somewhere, make a reservation or book tickets before the show sells out.

Don’t Compare

If there’s one mistake couples make, it’s to compare their relationships with others. But the truth is, every relationship is different. Therefore, no two couples can have identical Valentine’s experiences. So when your friend shares their grand plan of how they’ll spend the day, don’t start comparing it to yours.

In line with this, I’d recommend unplugging for the day. Your social media feeds will be flooded with couples sharing romantic pictures of places they went to or gifts they received. And when this happens, you can’t help but compare and feel less about your own relationship.

For Singles

Celebrate Yourself

Here’s the deal: the most significant relationship you will ever have is with yourself. In light of this, it’s important to show yourself some self-love. This is regardless of whether you get it from others or not.

Treat yourself by ordering in from a fancy restaurant, going shopping, scheduling a spa appointment, and getting yourself some flowers and chocolate, among others. Whatever it is that’s sure to put a smile on your face, do it!

Plan Something with Friends or Family

family spending time together

The theme of Valentine’s Day is celebrating love. And while most people consider this to mean something romantic, we should acknowledge all types of love. This means celebrating your love for family, friends, colleagues, and others. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” (John 13:34)

So rather than focus on how you’ll spend the day alone, plan something with others. You could hang out with other singles like you or visit your family.

Practice Mindfulness

The thought of spending Valentine’s alone can be daunting and overwhelming. But instead of being in your head, feeling all sorry for yourself, engage in mindfulness activities. Spare time to do yoga or meditation. And while you’re at it, ditch the past and focus on your present. Think about the things you’re grateful for.


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