mental health awareness

National Stress Awareness Day: 4 Ways to Tame Everyday Stress

The National Stress Awareness Day is celebrated every first Wednesday in November, which is today. This makes it the best time to enlighten you on effective stress management strategies. Learning how to cope with stress not only helps you to sleep better at night but also maintain a positive mood and get along well with others.

And in a world where we wake up to bad news everyday- from mass shootings to warring countries and natural calamities – there has never been more need to handle one’s stress efficiently than now. Here are four ways to combat everyday stress:

Take Regular Breaks

If you’re like most people, you’re chained to your desk all day. While there’s nothing wrong with working for extended periods, it’s important to take breaks every once in a while. This could be as simple as taking lunch break, walking to the rec room downstairs or going for a cup of coffee down the block.

Contrary to popular belief, going for a short break doesn’t mean you’re lazy or incompetent. If anything, it makes you more productive by improving your focus and boosting your energy levels.

Leverage the Power of Positive Self-Talk

There are times when your inner voice seems relentless. In those moments, you judge yourself too harshly and fail to acknowledge the little effort you’ve made.

What many don’t realize is that self-criticism instantly activates the body’s stress response. This distracts you from the task at hand and puts you in a flight/fight mode instead. This not only hurts your productivity but also increases your stress levels.

To avoid this, silence any negative thoughts with positive self-talk. When you start experiencing self-doubt, remind yourself of how much you’ve accomplished and count your blessings. This will help you to be more calm. “Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16 – 18)

Eat Right

sources of healthy food

Food and stress are two concepts that are closely related. It’s when you’re stressed that you’re more likely to adopt unhealthy eating habits – like eating too much, eating junk or not eating enough.

At the same time, the food you consume has a direct impact on your body’s stress response system. In one study carried out by the University of Edinburgh, scientists discovered a positive correlation between a salt-rich diet and high stress levels. The salty foods were found to trigger the body’s stress response system known as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.

On the other end of the spectrum, certain foods offer the benefit of reducing stress. In particular, complex carbohydrates help you maintain a good balance by stabilizing your blood sugar levels. Examples of such carbs are whole grains, peas, beans and vegetables.

Stay Active

Another way to combat the daily stress of life is to lead an active lifestyle.

Exercising tames stress in two ways. For one, it cuts back stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline. Secondly, it boosts the production of the feel-good hormones like endorphins. A combination of these events helps you feel more relaxed and cheery.

An added bonus from working out is the fact that it shifts your focus. If you are overwhelmed by feelings of worry and anxiety, exercise acts as a distraction by forcing you to concentrate on your workout. In doing so, it helps to clear your head and enables you to tackle problems when you’re more level-headed.


Have you been struggling to manage everyday stress? If you have, there are a few things you can do to keep these stress levels in check. Examples of these management strategies include exercising, eating healthy foods, taking breaks and using positive self-talk.

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