An individual staring at the sky, thinking deeply

The Key to Suicide Prevention: 4 Action Steps To Regain Control

Life is an unending cycle of ups and downs. At times though, going through some hurdles can leave you feeling so devastated that you give up on the idea of life.

Even if you don’t intend to actualize these ideas, suicidal thoughts should always be treated seriously. This is why you should be deliberate about finding ways to cope with any negative thinking. To help you get started, I have highlighted 4 actionable steps to overcome suicidal thoughts.

What Are Suicidal Thoughts?

Before we dive into the actionable steps, it’s important to understand what suicidal thoughts are. Most experts refer to these thoughts as clear and direct plans to take one’s life.

While this is true, suicidal thinking can take a less-defined form. Perhaps, you’ve not made any concrete plans but you:

  • Are constantly contemplating about death and dying
  • Have spent a long time reflecting about different ways to die
  • Think that you don’t deserve a chance at life
  • Have a strong desire to stop living

If you’ve experienced any one of the following, here are 4 steps to help you overcome suicide idealization.

4 Steps to Cope with Suicidal Thoughts

Walk Away From the Dangerous Situation

The thought of taking your life can be overpowering when you’re in the vicinity of a potentially threatening situation or environment. You could be driving, crossing railroad tracks, taking a hike, standing on a balcony or close to weapons and objects that can inflict harm.

If this is the case, the first thing you need to do is to physically remove yourself from the area or situation. If you’re in the company of friends or family, ask them to take away the objects you’re thinking of harming yourself with.

Do a Slow Breathing Exercise

Suicidal ideas can be frightening and overwhelming. Performing a slow breathing exercise is a nice way to shift your focus and regain control of the situation. Follow these steps to do this calming technique successfully:

  • Look for a comfortable seat or bed to lie on
  • Take one deep breath through the nose and hold it for a few seconds
  • Exhale and pause for a couple more seconds before repeating the exercise

Find an Activity to Do

By now, you should be feeling a bit more calm and relaxed. However, you’re not out of the woods just yet. To overcome the suicidal thoughts, look for something engaging to do. As with the breathing exercise, the idea is to shift your mindset completely. Here are a few things you can do to calm your mind:

  • Strike some yoga poses or exercises
  • Write in your journal
  • Listen to music
  • Watch a film
  • Immerse yourself in reading; grab a novel or read the Bible

Speak to an Expert

The best way to stay on track is to seek help from an expert. If you’re religious, the most ideal person to talk to would be your spiritual leader.

They’ll remind you how to maintain your faith in the face of adversity. Depending on the difficulty you’re facing, they can mobilize other congregants to help you; both financially and emotionally. You can also consult a licensed therapist or counselor or dial the suicide hotline.

It doesn’t matter what kind of expert you talk to. What’s important is that you’ll get valuable insight on how to tackle problems in a healthy manner.

If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, first walk away from potentially threatening areas and situations. Next, breathe slowly and look for an activity to do. It’s also wise to speak to your religious leader, counselor or mental health expert. Above all, put your faith in God and His plans. Isaiah 40:31 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Say No to suicidal thoughts. Your life matters!

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