a mixed-race child being bullied by her classmates

The Psychological Impact of Name-Calling

In just a few days, we’ll be celebrating the No Name Calling Week. More specifically, the event will be celebrated in the third week starting from January 15th to 19th. The idea is to enlighten students, teachers and the society at large about the damaging effects of this behavior.

In light of the upcoming occasion, there’s no better time than now to shed light on the psychological impact of name calling. Read on to learn more:

What Is Name Calling?

Before we dive into the effects, it’s important to define this term. Name calling is when an individual says abusive, derogatory or disrespectful words to another.

Often, the perpetrators of this practice downplay it as teasing or ribbing. Far from this, name-calling is a form of bullying that leaves the victim with a negative perception of who they are. If not addressed, consistent name calling can cause severe effects on the victim’s mental health.

Mental Health Effects of Name Calling

Damages Their Sense of Self

One of the greatest effects is the damage on the victim’s self-esteem. Constant name calling can cause the individual to lose confidence in themselves to the extent that they feel worthless.

So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” (Hebrews 10:35)

For instance, an individual described as being “fat” multiple times may always perceive themselves as being overweight even after losing weight. This can then cause a ripple effect whereby the victim starts engaging in disruptive eating patterns.

Harms Their Sense of Purpose

Name calling not only causes the victim to lose confidence but their sense of purpose as well. As a result, they tend to lash out, break down or become withdrawn. If your teenager suddenly starts making excuses to skip school, sports or other activities that they were previously interested in, it could hint to verbal abuse.

Distorts Their Identity

Another psychological impact of name calling is that it affects the victim’s identity.

When the perpetrator calls another individual a hurtful name, they’re attempting to control how others view this person. And when the victim is referred to by this name countless times, others will begin to perceive the victim as such. Even the target may start to view themselves in this negative light.

Impacts Their Mood

A boy looking extremely sad

If you notice a sudden shift in your child’s mood, you should investigate the matter. They could be experiencing this form of bullying at school or other public settings.

This is particularly true if the mood swings are accompanied by abrupt behavioral changes. For instance, they could be struggling to sleep, eat or participate in mundane tasks.

The Next Steps

If you suspect that your child is being name-called, you should inquire immediately. And if they’ve already disclosed that they’re being bullied in this way, don’t downplay or ignore the issue.

Instead, sit down with your child and brainstorm possible solutions. If the name-calling is a one-off occurrence, a witty comeback might be enough to keep the bully away. But if it persists, consider involving the school officials so they can take action on the perpetrator(s).


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