Teenager measuring her waist in front of a mirror

Warning Signs Your Teen Is Developing an Eating Disorder

Parenting a teenager is a daunting experience for any guardian or caregiver. It presents a whole new set of unforeseen challenges.

One thing that parents struggle with is figuring out whether their kids have eating disorders or simply being adolescents. “Sure, Taylor has been skipping a lot of meals these days, but which teenage girl doesn’t?” “His 15-year-old son only wants to eat protein. But aren’t all boys at this age trying to gain more muscle to show off?”

So, how do you know whether your child is about to develop an eating disorder? Well, there are several telltale signs that hint to this. Below, you’ll find the main red flags to watch out for when it comes to eating disorders. This way, you can help your child get help early.

What are Eating Disorders?

Before I dive into the signs, it’s important to clarify what an eating disorder is. It’s a condition characterized by unusual eating habits, which negatively impact the individual’s mental and physical well-being.

Put simply, this isn’t just about changing your diet or being conscious of your weight. Rather, this psychological disorder is accompanied by unsettling emotions and thoughts.

There’s a wide range of conditions classified as eating disorders. But the most common among teens are:

  • Bulimia
  • Anorexia
  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED)

Signs of Eating Disorders in Children

Being Insecure About Their Body

It’s during teenage that a lot of kids become overly conscious about their body. However, if your child constantly remarks about being either plump or ugly, it could be a sign of an eating disorder. The extreme self-criticism is not good for her physical or mental health.

Exercising Excessively

Other teenagers try to make up for their food intake by working out for extended periods every day. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with a teen exercising. However, if they seem particularly obsessed with cardio workouts or weight-lifting, you might want to investigate the reason behind this.

Frequent Skipping of Meals

Slim-looking Asian teen pushing away a plate of food

Have you noticed your youngster skipping meals more frequently than before? If you have, this might be a cause for alarm.Chances are, they’re dieting, hoping to shed several pounds.

Hides Snacks in the Bedroom

It’s totally normal for teenagers to have a chocolate bar or other type of snack in their bedroom. However, if they’re constantly hiding big quantities of food and snacks, this could hint to an underlying problem. Specifically, they could be suffering from binge eating disorder.

Strict Eating Habits

It’s always a good idea to check labels of food products at the grocery store.

However, keep an eye out for teenagers who become very rigid when it comes to choosing food. If your teen starts avoiding specific foods because of their ingredients, find out why. With time, they’ll become even more restrictive, and this can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Next Steps

If you notice one or more of these signs – and especially if you’ve observed them for quite some time – consider taking your child to a pediatrician. They can do a physical examination and determine the underlying issue. If they suspect an eating disorder, you’ll probably be referred to a mental health specialist.

Sometimes, parents will ignore signs, assuming that their kids are just being teenagers. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry. “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.” (Proverbs 27:12)


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