a man doing yoga before resuming working

Workplace Mental Health: Expected Trends in 2024

Workplace mental health has evolved considerably in the past couple of years. This can be attributed in part due to the rising economic instability, reckoning for racial justice, global conflict among other macro aspects.

In light of these issues, companies across the globe have made noteworthy gains in offering mental health resources. This help has come in the form of mental health days, workplace mindfulness programs, meditation apps and more. In 2024, we’re likely to see many more similar trends. Here’s a list of expected workplace mental health trends:

Top 4 Trends to Expect

Workplace Mental Health: A Continuing Priority

One of the most foreseeable trends is the fact that workplace mental health will continue being prioritized. Psychological illnesses like depression and anxiety cost the global economy nearly $1 trillion in lost productivity.

With the abrupt disruptions in supply chains, extreme weather patterns and rising fluctuations, leaders need to implement mental health protection policies that transcend borders.

Increased Attention to Family Mental Health

Another area that’s expected to gain more attention is family mental health. For the vast majority of working parents, caring for kids and their families remains a top priority. Furthermore, the dynamics of this responsibility evolve as kids get older.

In 2024, social factors will continue to have a massive impact on teens’ and children’s mental health. Due to this, there’s a dire need for company leaders to offer adequate mental health support to working parents. Without this, the stress of dealing with kids and family can hinder them from being present at work- both emotionally and physically.

Here are a few recommendations of how companies can support this portion of the workforce:

  • Offering extensive mental health education for kids, teens and parents
  • Providing therapy for parents and their kids
  • Executing company-wide policies that eliminate stigma associated with mental health

Masters, treat your bondservants justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.” (Colossians 4:1)

Using AI to Transform Workplace Mental Healthcare

AI robot brain concept

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, the digital world has been brought a lot closer both to the workplace and healthcare sector. One benefit that stemmed from this is the fact it allowed employees to access mental health care resources easily and discreetly.

The next grand invention in the mental healthcare space is the use of AI to minimize these barriers further. Leveraging AI technology, company leaders can create personalized care plans for each of their employees and then match them with the perfect provider.

Furthermore, these plans can be customized in such a way that they offer personal explanations for the plans so users can understand the underlying value.

Investing in Comprehensive Healthcare Solutions

Prior to the pandemic, physical and mental health were treated as separate entities. In this year, we’ll continue to see an increased focus on holistic health care, which takes physical and mental health care into account.

Workers who suffer from particular chronic conditions have a higher risk of experiencing psychological issues. Company leaders need to recognize this so they can provide holistic solutions.


Mental health in the workplace will continue to be a major point of focus. Some of the trends we’re likely to see entail investment in comprehensive healthcare solutions, more emphasis on family mental health and leveraging of AI to improve psychological health resources.



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